

The first three years were exciting and very entertaining. We can proudly say that the wineBANK is a true success. At this writing, there are only three compartments available.

Ultimately, this success is due to the many wineBANKers. From time to time, we're going to introduce you to some of our wineBANKers. Today, we'd like you to meet someone who has been an active wineBANKer since day one. Klaus Radermacher, a trained textile merchant, has lived in the Rheingau for more than 20 years and successfully operates "Konzept Maßbekleidung," an atelier for tailor-made clothing. (in German only)

Radermacher initially had a normal, small compartment and then went together with a number of friends to rent the largest, walk-in cellar, the Schlossberg Keller. For him, the wineBANK is more than just a place to store bottles: "What I find particularly fascinating - the many social contacts I've made in the wineBANK in the past few years. All have been people who share my passion for good wine." The wineBANK has become an integral part of his life.

We cordially invite you to our first AfterWorkBanking of the new year, Thursday, 28 February, after 7:30 p.m. Enjoy a pleasant atmosphere, outstanding wines, and an exclusive premiere of a mid-engine coupe that reinterprets the fascination of sports cars. Follow the "code of the curve" and be our guest. We look forward to your reservation.


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