
Wine storage facilities in the wineBANK are nearly depleted

The wineBANK was opened in December 2009 as a special service for wine enthusiasts. It offers a total of 223 compartments of varying sizes, ranging from 35 to 332 bottles, in three separate cellars in which wines can be stored under optimal conditions. WineBANKers have access to the vaulted cellars via a personal chipcard 24 hours per day. The facilities not only offer storage space, but also serve as stylish surroundings for a tasting with friends or business partners spontaneously, day or night, in a fully equipped tasting area with modern furnishings, atmospheric lighting and soft music – all of which turn a mere storage facility into a luxurious private wine cellar.

Surprise your guests before and/or during the holiday season with an exquisite wine tasting in your private wine cellar. Or rent a compartment in the wineBANK as an impressive, original holiday gift for a very special person.

Only 20% of the storage facilities remain available (as of September 2011).
To secure your space in our vaulted cellars, see www.weinbank.de. Within a few days thereafter, you’ll receive your rental agreement as well as key, chipcard, and all additional documents.

If interested in renting a compartment or even a complete, walk-in cellar space, we’ll be happy to arrange a personal tour for you. To make an appointment, please see info@winebank.de.




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