
Wine of the month February

Jubilee wine – 1992 Oestricher Doosberg Riesling Auslese

The February wine of the month is from one of our finest sites. The slightly sloping and south-facing Doosberg site lies on the edge of the eastern border of Oestrich. A constant stream of air flows over this inclined plane, which is especially advantageous in autumn, since it helps dry out the dampness of fog or rain, thereby enabling the grapes to remain healthy for a longer time. The heart of the site is on a little rounded hilltop that gives the vineyard an additional exposure facing west. This is where the grapes for our 1992 Oestricher Doosberg Riesling Auslese were grown.

The jubilee wine has a captivating deep, golden yellow color. On the nose, very spicy notes, along with light floral hints of lilac. Aromas of passion fruit, with a touch of marzipan, pleasantly round out the unique flavors of the wine, which are at once ripe and exotic.

Since the wine is celebrating its 20th anniversary, itfs an ideal gift for a 20th birthday, wedding anniversary or company jubilee.

Bottle price: € 60,60/750 ml

Simply order via e-mail info@balthasar-ress.de to ensure your supply.This offer is without obligation and subject to availability. The price quoted above is a retail price, incl. VAT. Free delivery within Germany on orders of 30 or more bottles @ 750 ml.

For readers outside of Germany: please contact our export manager, Clemens von Eltz, to find out whether this wine is available in your area: clemens.von.eltz@balthasar-ress.de • Tel +49 (0)6723/9195-115. For details on shipping outside of Germany: clemens.von.eltz@balthasar-ress.de

The shipment will be invoiced and the amount is due within ten days.For members of the trade: please contact our export sales manager, Clemens von Eltz, for prices and terms: clemens.von.eltz@balthasar-ress.de • Tel +49 (0)6723/9195-115.

We'll be happy to send you the complete Balthasar Ress price list as a pdf. Simply contact us at info@balthasar-ress.de.


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