
Weinbar & Vinothek Wiesbaden November 2013

We'll also be happy to offer you personal suggestions for your holiday gifts.


If desired, you can always make a personal apppointment with Nina Baumgärtner or Carina Diepenbrock for detailed advice and a tasting; during the preholiday season, also with Christian Ress. Simply send us an e-mail with the date and time you'd like to meet: weinbar@balthasar-ress.de.

On Tuesday, 19 November, we have an especially "sweet" surprise for you: "L'Art Sucre" will present chocolate...its history, how it's made, and of course, there'll be some samples.


On Wednesday, 11 December, things get musical with "Gesang & Piano" and a selection of songs on the theme "wishes and dreams." Get into the holiday spirit and enjoy an enchanting evening at the Weinbar & Vinothek.

The "Sternschuppenmarkt," Wiesbaden's annual Christmas market, takes place this year from 26 November through 23 December. During that time, we will extend our opening hours. Enjoy our virtually legendary Glühwein from Monday to Thursday until 10:00 p.m.; Friday and Saturday until midnight; and Sunday from 3:00 to 9:00 p.m. (On Sunday, Weinbar only; the Vinothek will remain closed.)



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