
Status report by Dirk Würtz, our estate manager - 20 October 2011

Actually, I thought we’d finish harvesting last week, but the grapes were still in good shape and given the fact that the weather dealt us a good hand, we decided to wait a bit. Sunny days and cool nights were perfect prerequisites to considerably boost the aromas in the little clusters. But now it’s really just a matter of a few days and then everything will be in place: eight weeks of harvesting will come to an end. Eight very nerve-wracking weeks, in that weather conditions ran the full gamut. As I said earlier: up one minute, down the next.

Yet, one can already say with certainty that the wines of vintage 2011 will really be quite good! Whether it has what it takes to go down as a “great” vintage remains to be seen, but the potential is definitely there. The young wines are impressive in their clarity and fruit...something I haven’t seen in quite a long time. At the same time, they already show a certain amount of depth. I’m very, very excited and can’t wait to see how it all turns out. I wish it were already next summer and the wines were bottled...

Best regards,
Dirk Würtz  


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