
ProWein - International Trade Fair 2011

Gault Millau 2011 reviewed our estate as follows: “With vintage 2009, the wine estate showed that it is increasing its focus on wine quality. And successfully (...). This is definitely the right path to follow!” We’ve consistently “followed this path” with our vintage 2010 wines. For a first impression of the most important wines of our collection, please visit our stands at ProWein.

Our export manager, Clemens von Eltz, and Jens Buchta our logistics manager will be happy to greet you at the DIVA stand K70 in hall 5; I will be at booth G37 of the VDP joint stand in hall 4. Clemens is coordinating appointments for meetings at either stand. Please contact him (clemens.von.eltz@balthasar-ress.de ) to enable us to plan a personal meeting with you. Thanks for the advance notice.

If you haven’t yet registered for ProWein, you can do so online in advance (recommended) at ProWein.

We look forward to seeing you there!


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