
News October 2013

In quite a number of magazines and wine guides our dry Riesling wines from top sites always number among the best of the vintage. We're enormously pleased by and proud of this. Slowly but surely our new concept has been praised and appreciated everywhere. Whether it's been covered in traditional wine media, such as Falstaff, Wein-Plus, and Weinwirtschaft or via wide-reaching online portals, the new Balthasar Ress style has captured the attention of the press. We're happy to have won such widespread recognition and view it as an incentive to stay on course.


Even more important is the fact that the renaissance in the Rheingau has also been recognized. In recent years, the region has often been subject to negative press. Today, however, the Rheingau is increasingly being praised for pursuing a new course. We're particularly pleased to share comments published in the Austrian wine magazine Falstaf:


"The Rheingau wines in the tasting presented a very homogeneous picture. The quality level was universal and appealing." "A recently adopted qualifying measure enabled the wines of this region, which is breaking new ground stylistically, to compete in the VDP.GROSSE GEWÄCHSE tasting." "The region is on the right track."



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