
News July 2013

There was nothing more to see. It simply looked like part of the Rhine. It took four whole days for the water to recede and the vineyard slowly came into sight. Unfortunately, we have no experience with this kind of scenario. No one knows whether this damaged the plants or not. In any case, it's not a pretty picture. Flooding is not unusual for those of us who live next to the Rhine...but not at this time of the year. That was new.



The leaves were completely covered by sludge and muck. One full day long, we tried to wash off this filth with water - unfortunately, by and large this was a futile exercise. We needed another day to remove all the debris that had washed ashore...from huge tree trunks to a dead deer. Plant protection is another big issue. Here, too, we were helpless at first. Of course, we're doing all we can to save this vineyard. We'll see whether and to what extent the flooding affected our vineyard. One thing, though, is for certain: this flood will remain in our memory as one of the worst.




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