
News from the wineBANK June 2013


Despite his youth (he's only 28), Philipp Erik Breitenfeld is a true wine fanatic. He has operated his own wine blog - "Gazzetta del Vino" - for many years. In his blog, the freelance personnel recruiter minces no words. Amusing, pointed, provocative, and with no holds barred, he writes about his hobby - wine. He's had a compartment in the wineBANK since 2010, and this, even though he lives and works in Bavaria. He journeys from Donauwörth to Hattenheim as often as possible to "take care of" his compartment. As he puts it: "Even though I'm normally quite far away, the wineBANK is a very special place that I would sorely miss if I weren't a member. Not least for the social contacts." A true champion of our wineBANK...



Are you a restaurateur or wine merchant or do you own a company? Then consider becoming a regional partner of the wineBANK and take advantage of its wine-oriented clientele. Publicize your business. Have a look to see how it works:











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