
News from the wineBANK July 2013

In the course of its existence, the wineBANK has developed into a great place for communication and get-togethers. Naturally, it's the wineBANKers who are responsible for this. We'd like to introduce you to a few more of them. Sebastian Hett (31) rented a compartment with his friend, the Rheingau vintner Stefan Breuer, back in April 2010. Hett trained to be a distributor and export merchant and apprenticed at the wine shop Fertsch in Bad Nauheim. During his school years, he had already helped out there and is still employed there today. The wine virus infected him early on. "My first delivery for Fertsch, shortly before I ended school, was to the Rheingau, to Johannishof Eser. Since then, I've been fascinated by the Rheingau. If you love the Rheingau, if you love extraordinary places, then you simply have to be a wineBANKer," says Hett. For him, the compartment is not only a private pleasure. He often uses the wineBANK with his customers. "I never fail to be impressed by how my customers, who have never been to the wineBANK, react to this fantastic place. Even I am impressed every time, even though I've been here so often." For Hett, the wineBANK is image enhancement and quailty of life at once. That pretty much corresponds with our intention of what we hoped to create with the building of the wineBANK.



If you, too, would like your business to profit from the charisma of the wineBANK, you can become a partner. Have a look to see how it works:









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