
News from the wineBANK February/March 2015

...and the program planned for the rest of the year also promises a number of highlights and splendid evenings in the wineBANK. As always, a small number of compartments usually becomes available at the start of a new year. If you’re interestedin renting one of these compartments, please see here to check on the current status.


The biggest news of the year is that a number of new wineBANKs will be opening soon in architecturally appealing properties in other German cities. The first wineBANK in Hamburg is expected to open this May in the Alte Oberpostdirektion, one of the city’s most spectacular buildings. Plans are underway to open a wineBANK in Mainz at the Altmünsterhof am Kupferberg in April 2016. Members of the wineBANK in Hattenheim/Rheingau will have access to these new wineBANKs with their chipcards, even though they don’t actually have compartments there. Perhaps this is a good reason to book one of the available compartments in Hattenheim right now...



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