
News from the wineBANK February 2014

As of 1 February, three compartments will be available to rent in our wineBANK.

Our wineBANKers' tables have developed into an absolute highlight. On the last Monday of the month, we welcome top wine producers, undiscovered talents, and sommeliers. Even cheesemakers and chocolatiers have given us the honor of their presence and shared information about their craftsmanship with our wineBANKers. In the meantime, we also invite high-caliber guests from the entertainment world to participate in our new series, wineBANKers' talk. Last year, for example, we were joined by Christian Geller, the German songwriter and producer whose record-breaking album with Heino caused furor in the music industry in 2013. This month, we'll welcome one of Germany's best-known celebrities. And all of this exclusively for our wineBANKers and their guests.



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