
News from the wineBANK December/January 2015

Our wineBANKers’ table has developed quite a reputation for inimitable evenings with winemakers and other prominent personalities, like Günther Jauch, a German TV talk and quiz show host, and Markus, a pop singer who hit the charts in the 80s as a new German wave star. In September, our guest was Volker Benzinger, a vintner from the Pfalz who has all the qualities of a true entertainer. It was one of the most enjoyable evenings of the year. So much so that a number of wineBANKers spontaneously decided they’ll visit him in the Pfalz. One of Germany’s leading wine personalities, Mosel vintner Ernie Loosen, was our guest in October. His unconventional manner, dry sense of humor, and outstanding wines all met with great enthusiasm. In late November, at the final wineBANKers’ table of the year, we welcomed two wine celebrities from Rheinhessen: Klaus-Peter Keller and Volker Raumland, top producers of wine and sparkling wine, respectively. It just can’t get better...different, perhaps, but not better.


We’ve already lined up a number of high-caliber guests for the coming wineBANKer year.


Become a wineBANKer yourself and rent one of our compartments.


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