
Message from Christian Ress January 2014

We also have a number of new projects planned for 2014. Yet, our primary focus will definitely remain on the consistent, ongoing pursuit of the quality strategy that we implemented four years ago. This process will never end. Every year is different and thus, a new challenge.


The biggest challenge of the new year will be dealing with the 2013 crop, one of the smallest in the history of our wine estate. We already know that we won't be able to deliver sufficient quantities of all wines throughout the year. Due to small quantities, some increases in price can't be avoided. Nevertheless, we hope that you, our supporters, will remain loyal to us and our wines. Preliminary tastings of the new vintage show that it will be worth your while.


Another great challenge in 2014 will be implementing our new merchandise management system that will improve the efficiency of our operations - and thus, be of mutual benefit. It doesn't sound so spectacular, but it is. Preparation for this project has been in the works for nearly two years. This spring, theory will be put into practice. Our longtime employee Jens Buchta is in charge of this project. Read on for more details about him.


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