
From vineyard to cellar October/November 2014

Add to this the fact that last winter was definitely far too mild, thus enabling many pests to survive...they are now gnawing on our grapes. Since August, all or part of our vineyard team has been busy with defoliation and bunch thinning...all incredibly labor intensive. Unfortunately, there’s no way around it since we want to produce our wines exclusively from perfectly ripened and healthy grapes. It’s all completely crazy – every year brings with it new challenges.


A big issue right now is the spotted-wing drosophila, a vinegar fly. This “fruit fly” came to Europe from Asia and initially attacked fruit trees. Unfortunately, it also attacks soft summer fruits, such as grapes. At this time, red grapes...but at some point, probably also white grapes. The way things look now, it poses the greatest threat of vine pests since the vine louse. It took quite some time for everyone to understand this. Research is now in high gear and I’m confident that an effective and environmentally sound strategy for combatting it will be developed. It is direly needed since this fly is life threatening for vintners in some regions.


The outcome of vintage 2014 will depend upon the weather in the coming days. Everything is possible. If it doesn’t remain dry, the harvest will become a race against time. As I write these lines in late September, we had a total of 45 liters of rain during the past two days, 40 liters of which fell during one evening. It is also extremely warm. In all, a scenario we do not need. As always...everything remains to be seen.


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