
From vineyard to cellar July 2013

Naturally, it's still far too early to think about the 2013 harvest - no question about it. But for us, it is simply the subject of our focus. In the vineyards, we work relentlessly toward this goal. Our vineyards are in really good shape at the moment. We're at the peak of working the soils and fortunately, plant protection measures this year have been relatively relaxed up to this point. We've also planted our three hectares (7.4 acres) of new vines. We're in the green, even though it all sounds more relaxed than it actually is. We have an incredible amount of work and at the moment, are practically on the go round the clock. Our entire team is really giving its all - terrific.



Our vineyard next to the Rhine, a portion of the Schloss Reichartshausen site, which was completely covered by water, has also started to blossom. We're all totally anxious about what will happen here in the coming months.



Meanwhile, in the cellar, things are somewhat quiet. Vintage 2012 has been bottled and is history. Was remains to be done is to go through the tasting with our four wines from our very best classified sites to qualify for VDP.GROSSES GEWÄCHS status. I must admit that I'm anxious to see how that goes. Our wines are a bit more individualistic than in 2011. Vintage 2012 was certainly a milestone for our development with regard to dry Rieslings from top sites. We're all wondering how they'll be received by our customers. Only two more months to wait - on 1 September we can present them to you.



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