
Employee profile March 2013

Nina Baumgärtner (30) joined our team in February 2013. She and Carina Diepenbrock will manage our new "Weinbar & Vinothek" on Mauergasse in downtown Wiesbaden. After her apprenticeship at Hotel Kronenschlösschen in Hattenheim, the hotel specialist spent three and a half years as sales manager and acting manager at the inn Burg Crass in Eltville. In addition to managing our "Weinbar & Vinothek," she will also be responsible for our customers in the retail and hospitality trades in the Rhine-Main region, one of our most important markets. The Rheinhessen native feels her work and hobby are inextricably linked. As an enthusiastic amateur cook, she attaches great importance to the authenticity and origin of products - precisely the qualities that are reflected in the products available in our "Weinbar & Vinothek." Her goal is to make her guests in Wiesbaden genuinely feel welcome. We're certain that she'll succeed.



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