
Employee profile April 2013

The name provides a clue, provided you're interested in that sort of thing. Carina is not from this region; she's from Münster. The 27-year-old event manager (Bachelor of Arts) is truly a "child of the kitchen" and became familiar with the workings of a restaurant early on in her parent's operation. She is seemingly a natural talent, which is also reflected in her nomination for the renowned "Hospitality Career Award 2011" that recognizes particularly talented young managers in the hospitality industry. During the past three years, Carina and Nina Baumgärtner held managerial positions at the inn Burg Crass in Eltville/Rheingau. Now, Carina looks forward to her work on the new Balthasar Ress Weinbar & Vinothek project as well as her position in event management. In her free time, Carina is a passionate equestrienne and enjoys running.


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