
Employee profile

Adrian (or, as we call him, "Dr. Grape") has been with us at Weingut Balthasar Ress for three years. He's 34 years old and a native of Romania. To be precise, he's from Beius, in the northwest of the country, near the border with Hungary. Adrian is our Romanian supervisor in charge of our Romanian harvest team and our vineyard workers.

Originally, Adrian was a cook and worked as a security guard. Yet, because his grandfather and father had vineyards, he has worked in vineyards since he was a young boy. For Adrian, vineyard work is not only his livelihood, but also his hobby. In the meantime, he is an established member of our team and indispensable as the assistant of our vineyard manager, Birger Sparr. He knows all of our vineyards well and has a real feel for his work. Adrian has a close relationship with nature. He observes and registers everything that's happening in nature and from this, draws conclusions that are an invaluable contribution to our daily vineyard work.

In his spare time, Adrian is also a passionate gardener and grows vegetables in his own little garden here in Hattenheim. He is an ardent fan of the soccer club Steaua București and is quite interested in Romanian history.



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