
After Work Banking at the wineBANK on 10 November 2011

On 10 November 2011, after 7:30 p.m., Weingut Balthasar Ress and C&F Handelskontor invite you to spend a relaxing evening in the wineBank!

C&F Handelskontor GmbH is a luxury goods dealer. From Rolex watches to sports and classic cars – the company uses its years of experience to help its clients realize their personal dreams and wishes with lucrative financing and leasing offers. Personal contact with clients is of utmost importance to C&F, and why it feels that like-minded Balthasar Ress is just the right partner for a high-class, high-quality evening in the casual atmosphere of the wineBANK. As always, these evening get-togethers provide an opportunity to have a look at the wineBANK, personally exchange ideas and network, and taste some special wines. It’s a stylish way to start your evening – in the unique milieu of the wineBANK.

To ensure that the air in the wineBANK remains fresh, participation is limited to 80 guests. We ask that you please register at least 48 hours in advance – reference: After Work Banking – by contacting: daniel.paisler@balthasar-ress.de. Please remember to mention the number of people coming. You’re more than welcome to bring along interested friends, business partners, etc. Registrations will be processed on a first come, first serve basis.





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