
News May 2013

Basically, it's pretty simple. Here in the Rheingau, we've adopted a four-tier model:



VDP.GUTSWEIN (regional/proprietal wine)


VDP.ORTSWEIN (village wine)


VDP.ERSTE LAGE (wine from a first-class classified site)


VDP.GROSSE LAGE (wine from a very best classified site)



At our wine estate, the new classification means few changes. "VDP.GUTS- and VDP.ORTSWEINE" remain as is. In the future, "VDP.ERSTE LAGE" applies to the sites Schloss Reichartshausen, Hattenheim Schützenhaus, and Hattenheim Engelmannsberg. In the Engelmannsberg site, we'll continue to produce, as usual, a dry Qualitätswein. In the Schützenhaus and Schloss Reichartshausen sites we'll also produce Prädikat wines with the sweetness of naturally ripe fruit.


In the future, "VDP.GROSSE LAGE" will designate wines from the following sites: Hattenheim Nussbrunnen, Hattenheim Wisselbrunnen, Rüdesheim Berg Rottland, and Rüdesheim Berg Schlossberg. In all sites, we plan to produce a VDP.Grosses Gewächs (top-quality, dry wine). Otherwise, "VDP.GROSSE LAGE" will be reserved for Prädikat wines with the sweetness of naturally ripe fruit.



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