
Natur Pur in the vineyards of Hattenheim

What began as an event sponsored by the Hattenheim Wine-growers’ Association – “Natur Pur” – has become an insider’s tip for gourmet hikers. Year for year the wine and gourmet path has attracted  more and more guests. It affords a great view and a huge selection of tasty wines, all in the company of nice people. What more could one ask for?

You are cordially invited to stop by our stand in the Schützenhaus site, where you can take a well-earned rest and relax over a glass of Ress wine with “Elsje’s” game specialties.

We highly recommend that you travel to Hattenheim via public transportation. If, however, you decide to drive, you can enjoy the privilege of being a Balthasar Ress customer and park in the parking lot of our winery (Rheinallee 50, on the eastern edge of Hattenheim).

You’ll find impressions of “Natur Pur” in our media library.



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