
Message from Christian Ress February 2013

Everyone is quite excited and anticipation is great. Without going into too much detail, I can certainly say the following: my estate manager, Dirk Würtz, is smiling from ear to ear...and I view that as a very good sign. The first samples show that we did our work well in 2012. One of the most respected wine merchants of Germany, Martin Koessler from K&U Weinhalle in Nürnberg, already tasted some of the wines with Dirk Würtz a few days ago. You can read what he had to say. His words confirm that we're on the right track. We feel very honored.

Our webcam, which had been hanging in the press hall, will be recording from the bottling hall as of mid-February. In other words, it's stationed right where the action will be. Here, too, we are completely transparent and open. Have a look. Experience live how the new Balthasar Ress vintage is being bottled. Along these lines, check out our Facebook page on a regular basis, too. We'll continue to think up entertaining little contests every now and then. It's always worthwhile to take part.

In January, we were able expand our production team once again. After a long search, we finally found him: handyman Jens Gundlich, a real all-rounder.

We also began working on our new "project," details of which remain under wraps for the moment. But so much we can say: it is in Wiesbaden. Stay tuned - in the next newsletter we'll air our secret.




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