
From vineyard to cellar June 2013

As I write these lines, water is flowing into the cellar...


Here in the Rheingau, flooding is nothing special – but the high water that we’re now seeing is worrisome. The water level is rising 3 cm ( 1.2 inches) every hour. The main road through the region runs parallel to the Rhine. Portions have already been closed; the rest will probably be inaccessible soon. In Hattenheim, the gas station opposite the wine tasting stand on the riverbank was dismantled on Tuesday evening (4 June), and only the upper part of the goal posts are still visible on the sports field next to the tasting stand. As mentioned, water is already flowing into our cellar. The last record-high flood in the Rheingau was in 1988. Forecasts predict a similar high level this time around. Personally, I’ve never experienced anything like this and quite honestly, it is no laughing matter. On the contrary, there’s something extremely threatening about the whole phenomenon. In fact, the situation is a bit surreal: the sun is shining brightly, temperatures are finally rising, and everything looks great...but barely 100 meters (10 feet) away, water is lurking.


Since Monday morning (3 June), everyone here at the winery has been busy securing everything in preparation for flooding. Our winery in Hattenheim lies on slightly higher ground. The locals refer to it as “the island” – which speaks for itself. During the last flood, only the upper part of the building could be seen. The courtyard and the little street in front of the winery could only be reached via inflatable boats. I hope it doesn’t come to that this time – but I’m skeptical. We’re installing pumps and hoses everywhere – large, high-pressure hoses. Big-time protection measures.


Our vineyard adjacent to the Rhine, a portion of the Schloss Reichartshausen site, is already completely covered by water. I wonder if the vines will survive this. We just finished replanting hundreds of young vines there. Our freshly renovated tasting stand on the riverbank is also partly under water. In all: it’s not a pretty picture.


I am not panicking, but I really don’t have a good feeling. It’s a feeling I could do without. Somehow everything looks quite threatening.



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